Choose from three starter packages: Basic, Full, or Advanced.
Add e-commerce or additional functions as you need them with the add-on options.
Choose from three packages, depending on the features you’d like to have on your website.
All packages include three 60-minute individual design sessions.
In our first Zoom session, we’ll discuss your website’s appearance, how you want it to perform, and the content you wish to include. Together, we’ll secure a domain if you don’t already have one, choose a template, discuss content and images, and list anything else you want to add to your site. As part of this process, we’ll also create a Google Doc for you to share your written content with me so we can both participate in the editing process for that content.
As we build your site, we’ll meet to review progress and make edits in the remaining individual sessions. When it’s complete, we’ll publish your website!
Your package also includes two 60-minute follow-up sessions.
We’ll meet via Zoom to discuss any questions, make any changes to content you’d like help with, and ensure that you are comfortable adding content and making edits specific to your website.
I’m also happy to discuss making changes or refreshing your existing website at a later date.
If you want help adding more complex features to your website after its publication, I offer two additional e-commerce packages. Or you can also purchase individual consultation sessions to answer questions, help with design changes, or add extra features. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Basic Build videos include all the essential videos for maintaining a basic portfolio-style website.
Full Build videos provide information about creating blog posts, selecting and working with images, creating and sending email campaigns/newsletters, adding payment processors, managing contacts, customers, and subscribers while offering a simple list of services.
Advanced Build includes e-commerce options for people offering simple online stores or selling content-rich workshops and courses, creating discount codes and special offers.
As a client, you can access our free library of essential “how-to” videos. These videos will help you gain confidence and learn to work on and maintain your website. You can view them as often as you like. Topics available will vary depending on the Build package you purchase and the functions your site requires.
The video tutorials are a feature that sets us apart from other design firms! This video library is my way of giving you added value while supporting your independence. The tutorials will be helpful reminders of how to do some of the regular tasks involved in maintaining your website.
My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to be independent, so you do not need to rely on me (or anyone else) to manage and maintain your site. The price of each package includes Free access to all basic tutorials that apply to your website’s features.
Additional videos will be available as paid content for advanced topics in the future.
Showcase your portfolio, give people a way to learn what you offer and how to reach you, where you are located if you have a physical address, and use your website as a platform from which you can interact with your audience through blog posts, newsletters, and links to your social media.
This design package is perfect for the person who wants a basic landing page with information about what they do, contact details, physical location, etc. Websites at this level do not offer commerce, memberships, paid sessions, or subscriptions. It's ideal for a portfolio to showcase your work and help people know how to connect with you. It includes all the elements of building a website and learning to grow an audience with email marketing, sending newsletters, or blog creation/promotion.
Add to the features of a Basic site by including commerce and the ability to sell coaching or healing sessions, educational online workshops or seminars, and in-person events.
This package includes everything in the Basic package, plus features to sell your services for individual or group sessions. It's ideal for a business owner who offers healing or coaching services, monthly subscriptions for sessions, or other in-person or virtual workshops, clinics, and events with a payment structure. This level of e-commerce does not support creating an online store for physical products or offering items (courses, workshops, or seminars) that include access to paid content.
In addition to the components of the Basic and Full packages, the Advanced Build will enable you to sell content as part of courses, workshops, online or in-person events, coaching subscriptions, or a simple online store for physical products.
This package includes everything in our Basic and Full packages, plus the complete e-commerce suite of offerings. We'll add what you want to use to create a robust online business with your website. It's the best option for online sales of physical products, content creators, and people who offer more complicated paid memberships, subscriptions for online courses, content-rich workshops, and in-person or virtual events that include content that is only accessible behind a paywall (paid content).
Add this to a Basic package when you are ready to offer coaching or 1:1 sessions (either in person or virtual), workshops, or events.
You can also add this to your Full package for additional capabilities, such as selling content-rich courses or workshops, adding memberships, or creating a simple online store.
Add this item to your Basic website for online sales and other e-commerce capabilities. Clients can book sessions, sign up for a subscription, or attend workshops. This add-on brings you to the equivalent level of a Full Build package. If you already have Full Build capabilities and want more robust e-commerce, including an online store, memberships, or to sell content-rich courses and workshops, adding this item to your existing Full website will give you the equivalent of the Advanced package
Add this to a Basic package to jump into full e-commerce capabilities: offering subscriptions, memberships, paid 1:1 sessions, seminars, or selling workshops with content.
Add this item to your Basic website, and you'll have an equivalent to an Advanced package with full capabilities. We can adjust and add to your website so clients can book sessions, sign up for subscriptions or memberships, or attend paid workshops and events. You could also create an online store or sell courses, workshops, and seminars with content. When you are ready to launch your business from a basic landing page to a complete and robust website, this add-on will support those changes!
Do you have an existing Squarespace website you’d like to edit or change?
If you’re ready for a rebranding or just want to reorganize and refresh your existing website, let’s chat.
Because each situation is unique, we will need to discuss your plans to determine the scope of the project and the amount of work involved. Please email me using the button below so we can set up a time to discuss your desires and goals. I look forward to hearing from you!