Web design for solopreneurs and small businesses.

Websites you can work on!

  • Are you ready to create a website for your new or existing business?

  • Is it time to share your artistic talents, passions, or an exciting new project with the world?

  • Does having autonomy and being able to maintain and work on your website yourself sound appealing?

If these things resonate with you, I can help!

We’ll use your ideas, content, and input to build your website..

When it’s complete, I’ll help you learn the basics of maintaining it with individual help and video tutorials.

You’ll be ready to confidently share your business and the things you love.

MY STORY: In 2006, I purchased my first domain and hired a design firm to help me create a simple website. It was exciting to have a website that was mine—it was tangible, published, and public! However, I lacked the confidence and ability to make any edits or changes to the site myself. After a few appointments with a web designer to make small changes, I decided it was time for me to learn how to edit my website.

With that, I started learning how to build and maintain WordPress sites. My design work now focuses on the Squarespace platform, as these websites are easy to maintain and don’t require the vigilance of keeping track of plugins or similar details. Because Squarespace has robust security systems, their sites are also not as vulnerable and are less likely to have issues.

Learning to work on my own website, and subsequently building sites for others, started a creative process that still brings me joy! It’s an artistic experience: like sewing a beautiful quilt, creating a painting, or writing a story. When the process is complete, the object comes to life with a unique energy and shares a message that reflects the person or business, their values and passions. It’s a beautiful process.

I’ve also experienced allowing someone else to work on a project close to my heart. I understand how vulnerable this can feel and I take the responsibility of helping you build your website and your dream seriously.

I’m excited to see what we can do together ~

Peg Desrochers 💫

Personalized design and support to help you build your website.

Become empowered and confident — learn how to work on your site independently!

I help people share their passions, talents, and skills with the world.

From my own experience as a small business owner, I understand the difficulty of “wearing all the hats” and doing “all the things.” My goal is to support you with the technology and web design aspect of your business so you can focus on building your business, craft, and dream.

As I begin my spiritual journey, I enjoy helping those who work in healing, coaching, energy work, metaphysics, and ancient wisdom. I understand the challenges and opportunities of these businesses and am sensitive to the needs of people in these professions.

💫 I look forward to working on your project together!

Supporting Coaches, Artists, Healers, Shamans, Druids, Tarot readers, Reiki, Massage, and other therapists, Herbalists, Storytellers, Musicians and practitioners of Ancient Wisdom.

Getting Started!

#1. Free Getting Started Guide

If creating a website is intimidating or you need some ideas about how to start, my free guide will help. It includes a series of short videos that explore topics, offer tips, and suggest things to consider as you begin to plan your website.

I’m excited to see what we can do together!

#2. Building your website

Three design/build tiers are available, depending on the features you want on your website. All options include 1-on-1 sessions as we get started to discuss your website's appearance, how you want it to perform, and the content you wish to include.

I’m also happy to discuss changes or refreshing your existing website.

#3. Video tutorials

As a client, you can access our library of “how-to” videos to work independently on your website. My goal is to help you have autonomy and confidence to maintain your site, so you won’t need to check in with me (or anyone else) in managing the basic details.

This video library sets us apart and is a key component of our offerings.


As a client, you can access our free library of essential “how-to” videos. These videos will help you gain confidence and learn to work on and maintain your website, you can view them as often as you like. Topics available will vary depending on the Build package you purchase and the functions your site requires.

The video tutorials are a feature that sets us apart from other design firms! This video library is my way of giving you added value while supporting your independence. The tutorials will be helpful reminders of how to do some of the regular tasks involved in maintaining your website.

My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to be independent, so you do not need to rely on me (or anyone else) to manage and maintain your site. The price of each package includes Free access to all basic tutorials that apply to your website’s features.

Additional videos will be available in the future as paid content for advanced topics.

Make your dream a reality ~

Websites you can work on!